A resource to explore provider outpatient therapy reimbursement
This resource estimates the reimbursement and costs for a therapy administered in the outpatient setting of care using user-defined inputs and assumptions for commercial, Medicaid, and Medicare payer types. The resource takes the provider perspective.
User-defined inputs include patient weight, therapy acquisition cost, therapy discounts and rebates obtained by the provider, and payer reimbursement method.
All numerical inputs and outputs shown in the model are hypothetical, for illustrative purposes, and do not reflect the specific economics of any health care provider (HCP). The information relates only to the economic considerations and do not constitute statements about the efficacy or safety of any therapy. The information provided represents no statement, promise, or guarantee by BioMarin concerning coverage, levels of reimbursement, payment, or charge. Nothing herein may be construed as an endorsement, approval, recommendation, representation, or warranty of any kind. Please consults your payer organization with regard to local or actual coverage and reimbursement policies and determination processes.